
Stripe Api Create A One Time Charge

July 29, 2021


Stripe Create A One Time Charge


In the last stripe article, I went over how to style a stripe element as well as covering the elements.create() method, element.mount() method & events for stripe elements. This article, I'm going to create a one time credit card charge with stripe. I'm not going to use the user's info, I just want the credit card info to make the charge.


Creating A Stripe Token


I'm going to use the stripe.createToken() method to make a one time use token that can be passed to the server & referenced by the stripe api. The token id will be passed to a hidden input element & submitted with the form. Important, the token id only will be submitted, if the token is submitted you will get the [object Object] string on the server.


Stripe.createToken() parameters


This method takes 3 parameters, the stripe element you want to use data from, a data object which takes info like name & address, this info can be used to verify the card, lastly, a promise that resolves with a token or an error.

Code for stripe.createToken() method


Making the Charge


On the server, I'm going to grab the token id that was submitted & use the stripe.charges.create() method to charge the user's card. This is a one time charge, if the same user wants to buy something else they will have to enter their card info in again.


Stripe.charges.create() parameters


This method only takes 1 parameter, that is a data object, that requires certain properties be filled out to return successfully. The amount property takes a number that is the total amount of the purchase, the currency property takes a string which is the ISO currency code. If your in the U.S. it would be "usd". The source property is the payment source & is required if your using tokens to make a charge. Every other property is optional. This method returns a charge object when successful, it will return an error if unsuccessful.

Code for stripe.charges.create() method

This is the complete project.


The final result is here.

About the Author

Christopher Howard

Chris is a Javascript developer with a minor in UI design. He values programming in vanilla code. Fill out the form below to contact him.